It is important to think through not only how you will manage your data (datasheets, Excel spreadsheet, online system, etc.), but also how you will convert the raw data into useful information that sheds light on the answers to your monitoring questions. How do you plan to store, share and visualise your data?
How will you manage and present the data?
- Think about the impact pathway of the data and who the audience for the data will be.
- Consider what tier of data is needed – see monitoring purpose for more details
- Think about how you will visualize the data – although, in practice, this is often done after the data is collected, thinking about it ahead of time will help ensure you collect the right data. With experience this will become easier.
- You can’t assume that the “authorities” will use the data. Plan to use your own data. If you do want authorities to use it, you will have to negotiate and agree to this.
Data visualisation inspiration
We are starting to create a store of examples such as those below. More resources and templates for data visualisation are under development.
See also: External resources