Based on the audit process, CaSTCo has been working on describing testing and auditing methods. Many more are in progress.
Biological monitoring methods
- Overview: Fish monitoring
- Long-list: Fish monitoring methods (under development)
- Overview: Macroinvertebrate monitoring
- Long list: Macroinvertebrate monitoring methods (under development)
- Method audit: Riverfly Monitoring Initiative (RMI)
- Overview: Bacteria monitoring
- Long list: Bacteria monitoring methods (under development)
Water quality methods
- Overview: Water chemistry monitoring
- Long list: Water chemistry methods (under development)
- Overview: Phosphorus
- Long list: Phosphorus methods (under development)
- Method audit: Hanna Checker – Phosphate
- Method audit: Phosphate – LaMotte Insta-Test test strips
- Method audit: Phosphate Phosphorus – Kyoritsu Packtest
Physical habitat methods
- Overview: physical habitat monitoring
- Long list: Physical habitat methods
- Method audit: Mudspotter
- Method audit: Modular Rivers Survey (MoRPh)
- Method audit: Citizen River Habitat Survey (cRHS)
Soil testing methods
- Overview: Soil monitoring
- Guidance: Visual Evaluation of Soil Structure (VESS)
- Guidance: Earthworm count
- Guidance: Infiltration test
- Guidance: Soil texture jar test
- Guidance: Soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (NPK) and pH testing
- Guidance: Slake (wet aggregate stability) test
- Guidance: ‘Soil my undies’ test (optional)